Monday, August 21, 2006

Website Woes

A year ago, I was assigned to a church in technology la-la land. Which probably isn't as bad as it could be; I could be in a wealthy church in a wealthy suburb that should be doing 21st century technology but can't quite get their act together to do anything of substance (technologically), a church where I would (hypothetically) waste my time trying to drag, kicking and screaming, into the 1980s, only 20-some years behind chronological time (still on the technological front).

I blogged back then about the compter in the office; thankfully the computer did not stay (and there's a useable computer in the secretary's office that's only 8 years old or so), but we're way behind the 8-ball on our technology. Most notably (well, besides the lack of any projection capabilities), it's in the area of a web presence. I don't think I'm alone in the fact that I don't use a telephone book at all; I just Google things. So if someone doesn't have a presence on the web, it's really a pain.

Our church had no presence on the web (whichis better than the previously mentioned church, who had missed a payment and lost their domain to a site featuring porn and gambling. nice). So I started work on one. Most things went pretty well (with a lot of help from my brother-in-law, who actually knows something about computers), but I got stuck trying to create the banner headline. I have the background I want to use. I have the picture for the middle. I have the wording and the font. It just won't go together.

And on the lower level of sleep I've been getting, frustration comes far too easily.


Anonymous said...

there is a guy at your church who has designed a couple different web sites in his free time. Maybe he could help you. I can't give you his name because...well, um... I promised not to volunteer him for things, but his name rhymes with snot cucumber...

Brian Vinson said...

"snot cucumber"??? Sounds like a twisted Veggie Tales tie-in!

Brian Vinson said...

As for getting a Mac, I want the potential site visitors to be able to view the site without it crashing their computers and to be able to interact with it, unlike the site of a certain youth pastor in the D.C. area whose name rhymes with Bait Coward

Anonymous said...

i used paint to make the banner for; it didn't come out like an ace's, but i got what *I* had in mind. noblesvillian had much more masculine ideas...