So Proud
Last night we took the boys to the park to see the high school band concert. They played a good concert (and Jonathan was super excited to see "Coob" playing the trumpet). When we were getting ready to leave, there was a rainbow in the sky, so I pointed it out to him.
When we were with Tara, I asked him to tell her what he saw.
"A rainbow!" he said. "Like Noah's ark!"
Then later, at bedtime, it was time to read his Bible story, and he wanted his favorite, Jesus Calms the Storm. Instead of reading it to him, I started, then asked him what happened.
His version was this: they were in the boat, Jesus was sleeping, there was a storm, waves crashed, there was rain, the disciples were scared, so they woke Jesus up. Jesus told the storm, "Stop, storm!" and it did! Pretty good for a two-year-old. Pretty good for an adult, for that matter!
He'll be preaching in no time!
The Dad says "You get him so he can say whole sentences you can understand and he'll be preaching."
I say, "he already is!"
So what was on the program for said band concert? As I am one of "those" kinds of musicians.
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