Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Question:

How does one go about throwing away a trash can?


Big Mama said...

How about jumping on it, standing on it and crushing it up a bit then putting it on top of the garbage bags? If it is plastic, how about runnning over it with a car or truck--well, you do have friends with trucks, don't you? When you borrow the Dad's car.....

Or perhaps taking it to a giant can-crusher?

Could you leave it on the Enemy's doorstep and run?

Anonymous said...

It's impossible, no matter how destroyed it is they won't take it. Your best bet is to find it a new home at an unsuspecting neighbors!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the people who prowl the streets the night before trash day will take it, assuming it is junk, and you'll see it outside their place of "business" some time later, your house number still spray-painted on the side...

Sam Beardsly said...

I wrote on mine with a BIG black marker. "Please take me I'm trash too!" It worked!

Heath said...

Can you say "midnight jaunt to the local convenient store dumpster?" I knew that you could.

Anonymous said...

Another thought! You could cut it in half with a saw and use it as a sled this winter! Just think, 2 sleds for the price of one 2 halves and a lid!