Saturday, June 30, 2007

Insert Title Here

Some of my friends write intellectual, challenging blogs with great storytelling techniques and transparent self descriptions. Some write wonderful posts that make me think. Some write about the state of the church or about difficult passages of scripture or what God is telling them. This is not one of those posts. It's just a personal post about a great, relaxing day.

I thought waking up by 7 might be tough since I was up waaaay past my bedtime, but it turned out to be no problem. So I got up and went running with a running partner! Yes, for the first time in YEARS, I had someone to run with. TS asked me last week at the school board meeting if I'd be interested in running with him (he's a long-time runner and ran the Columbus Marathon in 1980 and his daughter ran it when I did). It was great running with someone.

After I got home, we mostly puttered around the yard, went to the library, and came back and had lunch. We were all tired enough for a nap, though Jonathan claimed he wasn't... so we told him he could play quietly downstairs. After a couple of wonderful hours of hard sleep, we got up, only to find him fast asleep on the floor at the base of the stairs.

We got our stuff together and I roller bladed pushing Andrew in the stroller while Tara rode the bike with Jonathan on the back. Good times. We rode to Matt D's house and hung out there for a while with Matt and the kids. Andrew started getting really fussy, so we headed home. Jonathan was disappointed to not get to go to the park, so we told him that if he behaved himself and did not whine, I would take him out for ice cream.

He did his part, so we headed out to DQ. It was one of the best times I've had with him. He was great. They made him a cone and put a smiley face on it (using M&Ms). He ate it politely and shared some with me. All the while we talked and smiled and had fun, and he was happy to get to bring ice cream back to Mommy.

It was a wonderful, relaxing day off.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Hey Brian!

Man, sounds like heaven! No worries. Napping. Time with the kids. Napping. Ice cream. Napping. Ice Cream. If it weren't for all the "running" and "roller blading" it would have been a near perfect time off!

It has been good reconnecting with you as of late. Hope all is well up in New Knoxville!

Todd R.