Friday, February 13, 2009

Blogging From the NPC: Day 3

This morning started (can you guess how?) with a run. Rudy got up and came running, so I tortured him by taking him up the hill. Then I went and met up with the Runners Club for a good 3 miler. It was a lot of fun. The morning group runs are a highlight of the convention for me.

The morning session started out with an interview with Paul Young, author of the Shack. He reinforced God's love for His Bride, the Church (refreshing after last night's downer). One very insightful comment he made was that the shack stands as a metaphor for our human soul that we don't want to live in because of the pain that it has withstood. Therefore we don't live life to the fullest and instead put up facades and live behind them. This was very helpful when thinking about some other things I've read and experienced (Chap Clark's "world beneath" from his book "Hurt" is all about young people not living in the shack).

Tommy Walker led worship again, and was fantastic once again. During worship, he asked us to high-five ten people and praise God for who He is. It sounded kind of cheesy, but we did it (if nothing else, we pastors are obedient to the worship leader!), and it was cool. In fact, the energy in the room went through the roof.

Bill Hybels was our main speaker. He was impressive because he was so humble and vulnerable. He talked about listening to God's voice - God's whisper - and obeying, and how everything he has accomplished (which is tremendous) was simply because he listened and obeyed when God whispered to him. Awesome!

We went to hear J. P. Moreland in the seminar series, and he is brilliant. He was talking about signs and wonders and the one big thing I got from his talk was that we, as humans, are supposed to do the signs and wonders that Jesus did while he was here walking around on earth... fully human. But one reason we don't is because we don't practice, and the spiritual disciplines are there for that reason. Disciplines like self-denial (fasting, serving others, praying for others) and the discipline of living a life of gratitude are important for this.

In the afternoon, we took off to see San Diego. We took the bus to Balboa Park, which was beautiful. We hit the Air and Space Museum, specifically to see the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit, which showed a lot of his inventions and artwork. It was amazing to think that he was doing this inventing around 1500!
Balboa Park was fantastically beautiful, and we enjoyed walking around and looking at stuff.

When we finally made it home (after having a little bit of a time figuring out which bus to take), we had dinner and went to the evening session. The worship (Tommy Walker again) was wonderful. Taylor Mason did some comedy, which was extremely funny (whoever thought a puppeteer could be so funny?). The main speaker was Christopher Wright, and his speaking style was very dry, and since Rudy and I both found ourselves falling asleep, we went back to the room to snooze.

When we got back to the room, I was looking at our NPC book and found that not only had my picture been used for the website (the one where I'm running), but there, on the front of the book, is a picture of me, sitting and reading a book. I'm so famous.

1 comment:

Big Mama said...

Am really appreciating these blogs: seems as if I am almost there too! Would love to see your famous photos,