Saturday, June 30, 2007

Lakeside Church Camp

While I normally take my day off during the week (Friday, usually), this week I had a prior commitment - to go to Lakeside to meet up with the youth group for their last night of camp (and Communion). So PD and I drove up to Lakeside yesterday afternoon...

I wonder how many other pastors would have chosen to travel up with "the competition" (after all, we have two churches in town, and PD is the pastor of the "other" church). I wonder how many pastors have that kind of relationship, even within their denomination, let alone across denominational boundaries.

Lakeside church camp was good. I had a lot of fun connecting with the kids. Our guys were really pumped up about the intellectual level of the camp speaker's lectures (the girls, not so much - it reminded me of Dr. Stan McDaniels, who spoke in chapel when I was in high school. It seemed like nobody could completely follow where he was going - and I think that the problem was that until then, we had never been challenged, as Christians, to truly engage our minds). The philosophy he was giving them was of utmost importance to any student getting prepared for college.

As for the worship service - I thought the band rocked, but I thought the lyrical level was lacking. In the first set (the one with the worship band) the songs were all "I" centered, which was unfortunate, as it was a Communion service - the ultimate in what God did (and does) for us. I didn't find the songs all that singable, either. I know it wasn't for me, so I didn't care so much about the singability (the kids mostly seemed to be able to sing the songs pretty well), but I was sad about the content. Especially since I'm a contemporary music lover, but I had to agree with PD's assesment of the music.

Communion together with our kids and the kids from the UCC was great. I love serving Communion with PD, as we demonstrate our unity in Christ.

Then we drove home (actually, I drove home) in PD's Beemer (with all the bells and whistles). It was fun. And when I fell into the rack at 1:00, I was beat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hadn't thought about Dr. Stan for a while. I remember the first year of camp with him, I didn't get what he was saying *at all*. The next year, it was a little better. The year after that, even more, and the last year of camp, I totally got what he was talking about and thought he'd come down a little. Later I realized that I'd grown into what he had to say.
From a person who has trouble remembering what the sermon was about when I walk out of church (sorry, Bethel pastors), I still remember his talk about city vs. community, having goods mediated to us by people whose names we don't even know (everyone knew the name of the driver of the Coke truck that afternoon)... I think that was your last year. Anyway, it was something that connected.