Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy Week

The dearth of blog posts comes because of a plethora of Holy Week services. We've had a healing service, a praise and worship service, and a foot-washing service so far this week.

It's been rather rough as "PD" (my fellow pastor here in town) has been having health troubles (and spent last weekend in the hospital). You know it's bad when the funeral director calls you to drum up business. The only thing worse is if you find your name in the obituaries.

We still have a service this evening as well as a Good Friday cantata tomorrow, and then we'll be prepared for Easter!

1 comment:

Rev.Dulce said...

Busy, busy, busy....I think that is the mantra of all pastor's right now.

I added the stress (and wonder) of putting a wedding in the middle of it all.

It went all so wonderfully, though, that I cannot complain.

The boys look frozen hunting for their eggs. It was around 70 degree's here for our Easter Egg Hunt. Last year it snowed but only enough to look neat coming down.