Monday, October 12, 2009

Catalyst Conference Speaker: Andy Stanley #1

In Andy Stanley's first message, he talked about making your mark (this was a theme in the conference). He stated that we won't see the mark we've left until long after we've left it. The challenge is that we don't know the thing we've done that will make the greatest impact - for good or for bad.

He talked about Joshua and his command to the Israelites to "cling to the Lord your God" and to "be very careful to love the Lord your God." Joshua famously stated "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Joshua's defining moment came in Joshua 5:13, where he asked the angel "are you for us or our enemies?" and the angel answered, "No."

We're not asking God if he's for us or against us: we're making the choice to be for or against God. This is huge!!!

Then Andy reminded us that "God takes full responsibility for the life that is wholly devoted to Him."

When we settle once and for all whose mark we will leave, we won't wonder who is for me or against me; we will decide who we will live for. These are two different things. We have to daily declare to God that we're for Him.

Living to make my mark is way to small a thing to give my life to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that understanding fully the quote from his father..."God takes full responsibility..." may be the greatest assurance in the quality of our God I've ever heard.