What a strange trip...
I was supposed to have a "vacation" last week. It was supposed to be in Charleston, WV. It was supposed to mostly be around the hotel while Tara had her rehearsals and played a gig on Friday and Saturday. Unbeknownst to us, however, the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra changed the repertoir for the concert and thus needed a smaller orchestra. Meaning they didn't need as many strings. You're seeing where this is going, aren't you?
They didn't need Tara to play. Which means we have to figure out a new way to pay for our new tires and new brakes. But that's a side issue. The issue here was: we were in West Virginia with nowhere to stay, nothing to do, and no reason to be there, and I had scheduled to be off through Saturday (and believe me, I needed it -- if you don't understand, see the previous post). So after we ate dinner, we bought a map, and discussed our options.
Option 1. We could return home via I-77.
Option 2. We could take I-64 to Lexington and visit some friends down there.
Option 3. We could take I-79 to I-68 toward Washington, D.C.
We chose option 3. Or rather, I assigned numbers to all three options and rolled dice, and the dice chose Washington D.C. What a great choice! Neither of us had ever been to DC, so we had a blast walking up and down the mallway, from the Capital building to the Washington Monument. It couldn't have been a nicer day out, either, as it was in the 60s and sunny (some clouds blew through in the nice breeze that was blowing all day). It was fantastic. We hooked up with my friend Nate while we were there, and that was awesome. We just mostly hung out, played some games, shot the breeze, saw his church and youth room (there were some really great seating options in the Covenant Youth Room, btw).
We got a lot of time to talk about what's been going on here. I'm still pretty upset about the whole thing. I wonder where I'll go from here. I wonder how I'll go from here. I think about what kind of exit I'll make; will I be a stupid jerk about it and leave with a bang, yelling and screaming (figuratively, of course)? Will I grumble my way out? Will I "tell all" and play the blame game? Will I tell half-truths like "God is calling me somewhere else"? I don't know. I know that D is doing good ministry here, and I don't want to hurt that. I also know that some will be hurt by what I'm going through, too.
But in the meantime, I'm going to try my best to finish strong.
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